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Cristina A. Jones

Dr. Elda E. Sánchez, Ph.D., is the Director of the National Natural Toxins Research Center (NNTRC) and a Professor of Biochemistry at Texas A&M University-Kingsville (TAMUK), Kingsville, Texas. Dr. Sánchez graduated with her B.S. in Biology from Texas A&I University, M.S. in Biology from TAMUK, and her Ph.D. in Toxinology from the Central University of Venezuela. She joined the Department of Chemistry in 2010 as an Assistant Professor and became the head of the NNTRC in 2012. She is the PI of a $2.7 million Viper Resource Center grant from the National Institutes of Health/Office of Research Infrastructure Programs. The NNTRC is organized to support biomedical basic and translational research on snake venom and venomous snakes. Dr. Sánchez has over 100 publications in her field. She is the Past-President of the North American Society of Toxinology and the Secretary of the International Society on Toxinology.

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